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It helps me to keep my feet on the ground and put things into perspective.
And above all it keeps my mind off things!
This advice?
Be present.
What's that supposed to mean?
It's only in the present that's interesting to live in.
It's only in the present that you can influence your life.
It's only in the present that you can really control things.
Focusing on the past or the future won’t get you anywhere…
You are just losing time & energy on things that are out of control…
While being focused on what you are really experiencing day to day & embracing it is where the true happiness relies.
Let’s face it.
Nobody will remember you as:
The guy who had 10k followers…
The solopreneur who made $100k in the first year…
The creator who had over 10M impression on his/her content…
But you can be remembered as:
The guy who made people reach their dreams…
The solopreneur who impacted his/her community…
The creator who was telling what everybody was trying to hide…
When you focus on the things that truly matter, in the present, then you can be happy.
When you focus on the things that make you feel emotion, create souvenirs, then you can be happy.
When you focus on the things that make people feel by sharing souvenirs, then you can be happy.
It’s how it works in content creation.
People on social media are not here to be taught.
They are here to be entertained, to be understood, to escape from their reality for a sec.
So if you are also to do this, it’s a big YES!
Facts won’t make people react to your content.
Emotion will.
By experiencing life & sharing your present day to your audience, you will make them feel something.
It’s also how it works in business.
Thinking about the next steps or the strategy you will adopt is good.
But what’s better is to take action every single day.
Reflecting on your past mistakes is a must but don’t fall into the trap of feeling bad about it…
(I have been there & believe me it’s not worth it 😅)
Learn the lessons & move on to your next action.
& an even clever move…
Share your lessons to your audience.
They are gonna to love this!
Add also this emotional component they are craving for!
Speak to their heart, show how the situation was for you at this time.
Describe what you were, what you were doing, what you have experiment…
Remember that people are here at first for the creator.
Not for your knowledge, your expertise.
Connect with them always.
It’s how you will create an engaged community & then gain the authority, expertise & trust you need.
Stay awesome,
Marlene 🤗
Psssssttttt: If you resonate with this newsletter, you will get even more from my upcoming mentorship (including a lifetime group coaching!).
So, if you want to write impactful content in a blast, then click here to be on the waiting list!
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