Today, I feel like spilling some beans on the enlightenment I had, sparked by tweets from folks who made it big, raking in $10k a month, only working 4 hours a day.
It really knocked my socks off!
So here's a wild thought. What if we, I don't know, hit the pause button on obsessing over our results - our earnings, our customer counts, our sales?
What if we started to (actually) "trust the process"?
Let me break it down for you.
It seems to me that we've all been bred for this "social success."
From school days, we're taught we need to ace tests, earn top honors, bag prestigious degrees, and secure permanent contracts at big-time companies.
Then we leap into entrepreneurship, and it's all about lift-off. Surpassing revenue thresholds, "scaling" operations, always striving for more…
We're told it's the secret sauce to success, happiness, and fulfillment.
And since this narrative has been drilled into our heads forever, we might not realize it's all just conditioning. And there's another way to see things.
But, here's the twist – you get to choose your own narrative!
During a recent stress fest that almost had me flirting with burnout, I changed my heart.
I decided that my results don't define me (whether they're stellar or so-so).
Just because my launch tanks, or my business plateaus, doesn't mean I'm any less capable or deserving.
Because what really matters is the journey, not the destination.
Plus, the more you savor the journey, the better your results! From now on, every step I take is filled with joy, with pleasure.
I'm learning to find joy in the journey rather than the destination!
Because the euphoria of achieving a goal fades with time.
And the disappointment of falling short can usher in frustration, sadness, and despair.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying ditch your goals. Quite the opposite! It's crucial to be driven by an end goal.
I'm just saying I don't give a hoot if I reach the goal or not, as long as I've enjoyed the journey there.
I sincerely believe this is the key to happiness and inner peace
Because if we ponder this a little deeper, we realize that even if we "fail" to reach our goal, what truly counts is everything we've done to get there.
In that sense, failure ceases to exist! There are successes, accomplishments, and lessons learned.
If we don't get there, we've learned, we've tried, and we can always try again differently.
Always keeping things fun and light!
And if we're no longer scared of failure, well, nothing can stop us!
That's my new perspective on things, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer.
I feel relaxed, calm, happy, and fulfilled, regardless of whether my business is booming or not.
See you soon 💛
Marlene 🤗