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I will keep this one short, promise!
You are maybe tired of seeing me popping into your inbox everyday 😅😂
Today, I want to dig more about responsibility.
To reach any goal in your life, there is no hack, no shortcut, no secrets.
You are the key, the key to unlock all of them.
You can’t expect having someone to do things for yourself.
You can’t expect manifestation bringing them on a golden tray.
You can’t expect snapping your fingers & reach them easy-peasy.
You are responsible for the life you are in right now & of the life you will create in the future.
When I took the last two weeks to reflect on 2023, I realized I haven’t done something special…
I stayed in what I knew, saying I will do things without actually doing them…
In short, you can certainly see where this leads.
I think I was waiting for the last method to bring me the results I wanted without actually taking the necessary action…
In most cases, you have all the knowledge, all the strategy within yourself.
Let’s take my weight loss as an example.
Since January 2023, I’m telling to myself:
“Next Monday, I stop eating junk food & the processed one, I go to the gym (you know the one you paid for), & get back in shape”.
Spoiler alert: Nothing happened 😅
& watching training videos without taking action doesn’t bring results 😂
& neither eating a whole bag of chips to drown my guilt 🙃
So this year, I’m taking the responsibility for my own goals & my success!
So should you!
No one is coming for me or for you!
Let’s be each other accountant partner 💛
We are all capable of amazing things,
Stay awesome,
Marlene 🤗
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If you are still here, just to let you know I have launched my podcast on Apple Podcast & Spotify!
Each subscription means a ton to me 💛