Hey there 🤗
You’ll be such an incredible human if you:
Listen to my new episode of In My Socks podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast
Read the other editions of this newsletter
Hope you are doing well!
So happy to introduce the first newsletter edition of my build in public journey!
Each week, we’ll get through all the things I have done, the end-goal of my action, if it has been working or not & what I could improve, so you can do the same!
Plus, I will release a new podcast episode!
Let’s dive into my small baby steps of the year!
Newsletter’s week
I published a whole week after disappearing a whole month…
Not what we call consistency, hum…
But here we are! I got daily feedback from many of you (thank you 💛)
The end goal was to show to my list I was back.
To re-engage them with my content.
& remove all of my dead followers.
→ All of this to get a healthier mailing list!
This has been a good move. 1.2k to 2k people have been reading my emails 🥳
It’s now time to remove over 1k people!
As you have seen maybe, I tried to add “evergreen” section before the body of the email.
This will help to redirect people where I want & grow my other social media platform since I have started to expand my reach.
Plus at the end, I ask you to like it to create engage!
→ I got more engagement & more answers
Key takeaway: Reactivate your list, make them remember you, add CTA within each emails!
Launch my podcast
This has been on my to-do list for MONTHS.
I was hesitant to start it, feeling not comfortable at ALL recording myself.
When you think about it 2 sec, we have to admit it’s a bit weird to talk alone in your mic 😂
My dog always stares at me wondering “what the hell mama is doing” 😂
But here we are!
In My Socks - A Solopreneur’s Diary is finally live on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.
In less than two hours, I got a free podcast hosting, a name, a cover & the teaser!
Action, reaction!
→ This will help me to build a stronger relationship with you & share more in depth thoughts or strategy!
Key takeaway: If you want to do something, do it, stop overthink it!
Create the waiting list page of my upcoming mentorship
To sell your product, you have to talk about it. (thanks Sherlock!)
But also to create excitement too!
→ In both case, you have to capture your hot leads. They will be much more likely to buy it once live.
So for this, I have created a landing page with a “teaser” & 2 emails to… (you will have to optin to find out what 😜)
Key takeaway: Always get people out of social media to sell! Much easier to do in your email list.
Find a new way to set up my goals
As you could read in the previous emails, this year I use the 12 Week Year!
This has totally changed the way I set up goals now & makes me challenge myself even more.
Adding your goals for 12 weeks only makes you want to use each day as if it’s the last.
You don’t want to lose a single minute on unnecessary actions.
→ To use this method, download your free copy of my Notion Template here.
It comes with a 15-minute video explaining how to use it & how to apply the 12 week year to your life.
(This also marks the launch of my YouTube channel! 😜)
Key takeaway: Having a clear direction of what I’m doing & where I’m going
What did work as expected: Still hard to time block the perfect time slot… I’m still on it 🫡
I was feeling overwhelmed & anxious 24/7 in 2023… Always checking social media, notifications… from the very first minute I woke up…
My anxiety & fears were holding me back & I wasn’t doing anything to solve this.
So this time, I decided to try & keep the habit to journal every morning.
It takes me 20 minutes, just after reading.
I have added different sections to set my mind & mood for the day.
I do visualization, writing how I feel in the present tense when I reach my goals on March 31!
This can be easily overlooked (guilty) but it changes a ton of things.
I write at least 5 affirmations, 5 gratitudes, my mood & I reflect on my past day (what I did, what I failed to do, what I can improve)
→ No more anxiety, no more pressure, more passion! Taking time for yourself will make you feel better & you will see the difference in your business.
Key takeaway: Never start your day on your phone, when you feel overwhelmed, analyze your feeling, what makes you feel this way…
Take time for you & cut the noise 💛
That’s a wrap for the first edition!
Let me know what you think of this new format & how was your first week of January!
Little reminder: go listen to my first podcast episode too on Spotify or Apple Podcast! You will get even more hot nuggets there.
Stay awesome,
Marlene 🤗
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